2020: An Inside Look

If you’re reading this, you deserve an inside look at what the last year has been like for us with the launch of Short Pump Community Church. What a time to be serving the people of Short Pump in Richmond, Virginia. Like so many of you, 2020 brought us many unexpected challenges but God proved faithful through it all! Here are a few highlights:

  • We started our “official weekly meetings” of Short Pump Community Church in January of 2020. By March, our growth plans were turned upside-down when gatherings were restricted due to Covid-19. Although religious organizations have been largely exempt from gathering restrictions in Virginia, our church has more young children than adults which makes it very difficult for us to properly socially distance families in accordance with the guidelines. For this reason, we have met outdoors and on Zoom the majority of the year. Despite this, we’ve added several families to our congregation this year.

  • The way many people are handling this country’s racial and political tensions are continuing to pull at the fabric of healthy conversations in our community. God provided Josh with an opportunity to serve our city and beyond by starting a podcast with his friend (and fellow church member), Will. [Check out their stuff at FaithfulPoliticsPodcast.com.]

  • We are in a time of discernment for moving forward with in-person gatherings. We are hoping to continue Zoom for those who still want or need to stay home, but open several homes that hold a limited number of families at a time. Then, each house would have someone call into the larger “virtual meeting” on Zoom. We are trusting that our needs for space and willing people will be there if this is the continued direction God is calling us.

  • We are excited to be planning our first official “SPCC Baptism” when the weather gets warmer! We already have one person committed to being baptized and several more in conversation. We can’t wait to share snapshots with you when the time arrives.

  • Covid-19 has forced many to do life and relationships in “smaller” ways. Thankfully, this is what God was calling us to from the beginning. Because of how God led us to start Short Pump Community Church in homes, we were spared having spent thousands of dollars on building rentals, chairs, sound systems, and supplies which would all have gone unused for months at a time this year. We have continued to see families one-on-one and find creative ways to connect. God is definitely still working!

  • This January we started a year-long series through the Bible with our church called “Listen” as a part of the Bible Engagement project [https://bibleengagementproject.com]. Our church is excited with us as we plan kids lessons, family devotionals, and church teaching all centered around the same passages in the Bible each week.

On the Homefront, the Burtram family is rolling with all the punches and doing our best to stand in faith as changes come. Continue praying for us. In addition to the church challenges mentioned above, please pray for:

  • The Burtram kids: they’re resilient but have had many changes and losses with virtual school for almost a full year and counting, canceled playgroups, closed playgrounds and the like. (You can really pray for all young children and their families right now).

  • Ashley and her extended family: her mother (Keli) was recently diagnosed with incurable Stage 4 cancer. Keli is moving forward with treatment but she and many others are praying for a miracle of healing!

  • Josh: he needs your prayer for strength as he navigates leadership and prioritizing needs (his own, the church’s, and others) during this time. Pray for continued favor with the relationships that he is cultivating, open doors, and clarity as he discerns God’s next steps for SPCC this year and beyond.

As always, thank you for joining with us on this journey through prayer and support!


Ashley & Josh Burtram

P.S. See below for a glimpse of what our life looks like right now!

Ashley Burtram